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Active investing is at our core. Active investing is at our core.

We're well known for our strength in passive investing but we've been leaders in active since our founding over 45 years ago.




Active assets under management

Vanguard manages more money in active strategies globally than the size of the Canadian mutual fund industry


Years of experience

We have managed active funds since our inception in 1975, and in Canada since 2018

Famously low fees, leaving investors with more

In Canada, on average, our management fees are 22.5%*** lower than the industry average F series management fee.

The more we grow, the more you and your clients save

Since 1975, Vanguard has been consistently lowering the average expense ratio for our clients around the globe. As our assets grow, we lower our costs, meaning your clients save more of what they earn.

We partner with industry-leading investment managers


Average mandate size of our external active sub-advisors

We work with proven managers who sub-advise our active strategies



Average tenure of our sub-advisor relationships


External sub-advisors for our global active lineup

Our Investment Managers


Wellington Management

Tracing its history to 1928, Wellington is one of the world’s largest independent investment management firms, serving as a trusted adviser to over 2,400 clients in more than 60 countries.


Baillie Gifford

Baillie Gifford is an independently owned investment management firm. It is owned and run by 39 of its senior executives who operate as a partnership, a structure which has endured for over a century, and which provides stability for clients and motivation for employees.



Schroders is an investment manager with broad expertise across public and private markets, investing on behalf of savers and investors globally.



Pzena's investment philosophy is simple: seek to buy good businesses at low prices. Pzena focuses exclusively on companies that are underperforming their historically demonstrated earnings power, performing fundamental, bottom-up research on these companies in an effort to determine whether the problems that caused the earnings shortfall are temporary or permanent.

Our enduring multi-manager approach 

We employ a well-defined process to select world-class investment talent with differentiated investment philosophies. And, by combining managers with distinct — but complementary — investment philosophies in our funds, we are less dependent on any one manager, investment style, or market environment to deliver results.

Key Reasons to Invest Explore our Active Strategies

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If you have questions or would like more information, please contact your Vanguard sales representative or visit our contact us page.


***The average management fee is calculated by taking the average management fee of the industry for series F funds. Vanguard is lower than 22.5% of the industry when compared to the maximum fee for VIC600 of 0.55. 

Commissions, management fees, and expenses all may be associated with investment funds. Investment objectives, risks, fees, expenses, and other important information are contained in the prospectus; please read it before investing. Investment funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated. Vanguard funds are managed by Vanguard Investments Canada Inc. and are available across Canada through registered dealers.
This material is for informational purposes only. This material is not intended to be relied upon as research, investment, or tax advice and is not an implied or express recommendation, offer or solicitation to buy or sell any security or to adopt any particular investment or portfolio strategy. Any views and opinions expressed do not take into account the particular investment objectives, needs, restrictions and circumstances of a specific investor and, thus, should not be used as the basis of any specific investment recommendation. Investors should consult a financial and/or tax advisor for financial and/or tax information applicable to their specific situation.
All investment funds, including those that seek to track an index are subject to risk, including the possible loss of principal. Diversification does not ensure a profit or protect against a loss in a declining market. While the Vanguard ETFs are designed to be as diversified as the original indices they seek to track and can provide greater diversification than an individual investor may achieve independently, any given ETF may not be a diversified investment.
All monetary figures are expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted.

Les fonds de placement peuvent donner lieu à des commissions de courtage, à des frais de gestion ou à d’autres frais. Les objectifs de placement, les risques, les frais et les commissions, ainsi que d’autres informations importantes figurent au prospectus; veuillez le lire avant d’investir. Les fonds de placement ne sont pas garantis, leur valeur change fréquemment, et leur rendement passé peut ne pas se reproduire à l’avenir. Les fonds Vanguard sont gérés par Placements Vanguard Canada Inc. et sont offerts au Canada par l’intermédiaire de courtiers inscrits.

Ce document est fourni à des fins informatives seulement. On ne devrait pas se fier aux renseignements contenus dans ce document, ceux-ci ne constituant pas des conseils de placement, fiscaux ou basés sur des recherches. Ce document ne constitue d’aucune façon une recommandation, explicite ou implicite, une offre ou une sollicitation d’achat ou de vente de titres ou en vue d’adopter une stratégie de placement ou de portefeuille précise. Les opinions et perspectives exprimées dans ce document ne prennent pas en considération les objectifs de placement, les besoins, les restrictions, ni les circonstances propres à un investisseur particulier. Par conséquent, elles ne devraient pas servir de base à toute recommandation de placement précise. Il est fortement recommandé aux investisseurs de consulter un conseiller financier ou fiscal pour obtenir de l’information qui s’applique à leur situation particulière.

Tous les fonds de placement, y compris ceux qui tentent de reproduire le rendement d’un indice, sont assujettis à des risques, dont la possibilité de perdre le capital investi. La diversification ne garantit pas un profit et ne protège pas contre les pertes en cas de repli du marché. Même si les FNB Vanguard sont conçus pour être aussi diversifiés que les indices qu’ils tentent de reproduire et qu’ils peuvent procurer une diversification supérieure à celle qu’un investisseur individuel peut obtenir à lui seul, un FNB donné n’est pas nécessairement un placement diversifié.

À moins d’indications contraires, toutes les valeurs monétaires sont exprimées en dollars canadiens.