Number of holdings

About this fund

Fund objectives

Why this fund

Fund facts

Inception date
Total assets
Total Holdings
Asset class
Investment manager
Distribution Per Unit
Distribution frequency


Total Returns (net of fees)


Risk and Volatility


Sorry, this information is not available yet. It will display a year after inception date.

Please note Beta and R2 data will only display for funds with 3 full years of history.


Portfolio data

Allocation to underlying Vanguard funds


Asset allocation



As at

Number of stocks
Median market capital
Price earning / ratio (P/E)
Price / book ratio (P/B)
Return on equity (ROE)
Earnings growth rate
Number of bonds
YTM (Yield to Maturity) effective
Average Duration
Average maturity
Average quality
Cash Investment
Market allocation


Temporarily unavailable

Holdings details


Prices and distribution


Nav Price ()
NAV 52-week high
NAV 52-week low
NAV 52-week difference
Historical Prices


Distribution history

Annual distributions


Sorry, this information is not available yet. It will display a year after inception date.

Purchase information