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Vanguard Asset Allocation ETFs

All-in-one diversified portfolios

Vanguard is a top global asset manager, overseeing $9.0 trillion USD1 in assets worldwide for over 50 million investors, both big and small. We lead the industry in our multi-asset offerings, which boast a total of over $1.3 trillion USD2 in AUM through a combination of balanced, target-date, and target-risk funds. Our Vanguard Asset Allocation ETFs provide a simple yet sophisticated solution, incorporating  cutting-edge research, world-class portfolio construction and worldwide knowledge into a convenient, all-in-one package.

What are Asset Allocation ETFs?

We’ve made investing simple. Each Asset Allocation ETF combines multiple individual index funds into one ETF portfolio, giving you access to thousands of global stocks and bonds in a single ETF investment. This helps reduce risk by spreading your investments.

Professionally managed single-ticket solution

Vanguard's Asset Allocation ETFs are managed by our Investment Management Group, which is responsible for rebalancing and overall management. The group manages over a trillion dollars in assets and leverages the experience of global leaders to create a simple yet sophisticated group of portfolios that function as a single-ticket solution. The team solves all the pieces of the portfolio construction puzzle, including the appropriate level of home bias, based on extensive research, to cater to the needs of investors.

The difference low-cost ETFs make

Built with index funds, Vanguard's Asset Allocation ETFs are designed to keep costs low, giving you more money in your pocket. Those savings can really add up, especially in the long term. Paying less for your investments means you keep more money. It's really that simple. Vanguard's Asset Allocation ETFs cost up to 70%* less than the industry average.

Effortless Rebalancing

As markets are always changing, investors must consistently maintain their preferred risk level in their portfolio. Instead of constantly monitoring and manually rebalancing your investments, let Vanguard's team of over 100 investment professionals do it for you. Our Asset Allocation ETFs are actively monitored and efficiently rebalanced, saving you time and effort in ongoing portfolio management.

A solution for everyone

We offer five different all-in-one portfolio solutions to help you achieve your investment goals.

Asset Allocation ETFs

Asset Allocation ETFs

Vanguard's Asset Allocation ETFs

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1 Source: Vanguard. Assets as of March 31, 2023.

2 Source: Vanguard. Assets as of June 31, 2022.

*Vanguard average expense ratio: 0.24%. Industry average expense ratio: 0.86%. All averages are asset-weighted. Industry averages exclude Vanguard. Sources: Vanguard as of May 31, 2024.

Commissions, management fees, and expenses all may be associated with investment funds. Investment objectives, risks, fees, expenses, and other important information are contained in the prospectus; please read it before investing. Investment funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated. Vanguard funds are managed by Vanguard Investments Canada Inc. and are available across Canada through registered dealers.

This material is for informational purposes only. This material is not intended to be relied upon as research, investment, or tax advice and is not an implied or express recommendation, offer or solicitation to buy or sell any security or to adopt any particular investment or portfolio strategy. Any views and opinions expressed do not take into account the particular investment objectives, needs, restrictions and circumstances of a specific investor and, thus, should not be used as the basis of any specific investment recommendation. Investors should consult a financial and/or tax advisor for financial and/or tax information applicable to their specific situation.

All investment funds, including those that seek to track an index are subject to risk, including the possible loss of principal. Diversification does not ensure a profit or protect against a loss in a declining market. While the Vanguard ETFs are designed to be as diversified as the original indices they seek to track and can provide greater diversification than an individual investor may achieve independently, any given ETF may not be a diversified investment.

All monetary figures are expressed in Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted.